How to Protect Crops and Vegetable Seeds

Nowadays, many of us love gardening and planting, or we can say people also invest their time in agriculture. Now, do you know the vital thing which should be kept in mind while gardening or producing crops? It is the seed. Seed is an essential input for agricultural production. It is the most profitable way of increasing agricultural production and productivity. The seed's effectiveness of other farm inputs in enhancing productivity and output, such as fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation, is primarily decided by the standard of the seed. Quality of seed is responsible for twenty to twenty-five percent of productivity. Good quality seeds must be made available to the country's farmers. In this way, we should also know how to protect بذور محاصيل وخضروات for a long-lasting period or to prevent them from harmful insects. Now let us talk about how we can protect crops and vegetable seeds There are so many ways to prevent crops and vegetable seeds. Here are a few of them: ...