The Importance of Using Good Quality Seeds

We all know that if we are in the agriculture field or we are growing some vegetable or crop, the very first thing we need is a seed. But do we really need only seed? No, not just seeds but high-quality seeds. Most of you are not aware of how important it is to have good quality seeds. High-quality بذور محاصيل وخضروات are one of the most vital elements in increasing agricultural production in any farming system. This element has become more crucial than ever because we need to provide enough food security for the rising number of people worldwide, which is expected to exceed nine billion by 2050. Selecting a high-yielding variety adapted to the area of production, with the disease, insect, housing, and shattering resistance, along with other desirable characteristics, are primary keys for satisfactory crop performance. It is also a great marketing tool for expanding the potential sale of crops, especially in today’s competitive market.

Now, many people wonder what does seed quality mean. The practical definition of seed quality varies depending on the need of the end user. Suppose a farmer may want high-quality seed that produces fast, uniform plants with high yielding capability under a broad range of field conditions. On the other hand, a producer of oil seed crops, where oil would be used for industrial purposes such as making soap, cosmetic products, or lubricants, may want seed with a specific stable fatty acid profile as a high-quality standard. If we talk in general, the quality of seeds is calculated in many ways, including genetic and physical purity, germination, uniformity in sizes, space from seed-borne diseases, and any other factors that may influence seed performance in the field. And including this, fertilizers and pesticides also vary from type to seeds. There are many fertilizers and شركة منتجة للمبيدات which provide pesticides according to the quality of seeds.

Now we will know about some benefits that we get from high-quality seeds:

  • Quality seed is an essential element in the production of the crop.

  • It increases the production of the crop.

  • Quality seeds are the primary foods of different creatures.

  • It is helpful in directly decreasing the cost of production.

  • In fact, we can earn foreign currency by shipping it.

  • Some quality seeds are used to make essential medicines. 

  • And the most crucial thing is it improves the quality of the food. 

The production of high-quality seeds does not occur by chance. Each procedure in the production system, from planting the appropriate variety at the proper time to following weed control practices, fertility program, harvesting at the right time, cleaning the seeds, storage, and shipping, is required to achieve high-quality seeds. If you are also interested in agriculture, then you can browse AMMC. It is a public health company in Saudi Arabia, where you can get information about kinds of fertilizers and pesticides, types of quality seeds, and other things regarding agriculture.

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